RealEye in Action

Recent publications:

July 23, 2024

How Multimedia Signaling Influences Attention and Learning Outcomes

The analysis of how multimedia signals affect student attention and learning. By tracking eye movements during educational videos, the study identified elements that enhance engagement and retention, offering insights for improving online learning materials.
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June 15, 2024

Improving Web Usability with eye-tracking

Explore how SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja improved their website's usability using RealEye. This study highlights the effective placement of several website elements and the need for better engagement in other sections. By analyzing user focus and interaction, the researchers identified areas for enhancement to boost user satisfaction and website performance.
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May 28, 2024

Learning Model in Business Simulation Games: eye-tracking case study

Explore how RealEye’s eye-tracking uncovers player focus and engagement in business simulation games
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